
Onguent 911


Onguent 911

Multi-tasking Skin Protectant, Clinically Proven to Protect Chapped, Cracked & Irritated Skin, Help Relieve Itching Due to Minor Cuts, Scrapes & Burns
Multi-tasking Skin Protectant, Clinically Proven to Protect Chapped, Cracked & Irritated Skin, Help Relieve Itching Due to Minor Cuts, Scrapes & Burns

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L'onguent 911 est une pommade médicamenteuse, Il a été éprouvé en clique qu'il protège la peau gercée, sèche, craquelée et irritée tout en améliorant la fonction de barrière de la peau. Très polyvalente, il nourrit la barrière cutanée et offre une protection durable après une intervention en plus de traiter les cuticules sèches, les coudes, les talons crevassés et la peau irritée de la tête aux pieds.

Le beurre de cupuaçu pressé à froid, le bisabolol apaisant et antimicrobien et les huiles nutritives de noix de coco et de jojoba nourrissent, hydratent et adoucissent la peau, tandis que l'allantoïne active protège et favorise une cicatrisation optimale des coupures, des égratignures et des brûlures mineures. Les dermatologues recommandent l'ongent 1 à leurs patients après un traitement au laser, un resurfaçage de la peau ou une intervention pour calmer, apaiser et protéger une barrière cutanée vulnérable. Les esthéticiennes aiment l'appliquer après une épilation à la cire.

Bon à savoir :

+ Testé et recommandé par des dermatologues impartiaux.

+ Sans parfum, silicone/diméthicone, parabènes, sulfates, huiles essentielles, formaldéhyde, phtalates, lanoline, propylène glycol, PEGs, et gluten

+ Hypoallergène

+ Sans eau ni conservateurs

+ Sans cruauté et « beegan »

Clinical Results
Clinically proven to protect minor cuts, scrapes, & burns.
Based on a one-week Dermatologist-led clinical trial using Remedy+ 911 Ointment
92% showed an immediate improvement in skin barrier function.
As measured by a tewameter during the clinical trial using Remedy+ 911 Ointment
100% felt this product immediately hydrated their tight, dry skin
Based on respondent feedback from a clinical trial using Remedy+ 911 Ointment
92% felt this ointment immediately transformed the condition of their skin and left it feeling protected.
Based on respondent feedback from a clinical trial using Remedy+ 911 Ointment
92% felt this ointment immediately soothed and softened their dry, rough, and cracked skin.
Based on respondent feedback from a clinical trial using Remedy+ 911 Ointment
92% felt this ointment immediately reduced flakiness on their skin.
Based on respondent feedback from a clinical trial using Remedy+ 911 Ointment
How to Use
Apply generously as needed
Apply to dry, cracked skin on all areas of the body including cuticles, heels, elbows and irritated skin
Also good for
Irritated or affected skin, minor cut, scrapes, burns, or post-procedure or post-laser skin
0,5 % d'allantoïne

Favorise la cicatrisation optimale des coupures, égratignures et brûlures mineures et protège temporairement la peau gercée ou craquelée.

4 % de cupuaçu

Le beurre aide à hydrater en profondeur pour une hydratation durable.

Full Ingredient List

Reducing our impact is important to us - for this reason we partnered with Bluebird to complete a full Life Cycle Analysis on carbon and waste impact of this product.


made in North America with ethical labor practices

Packaging Facts:

Tube & Cap
PP/Foil Tube

100% FSC paper made with recycled fibres, and vegetable-based inks 0 trees were cut down to make our cartons

Packaging Facts
How To Recycle

Tube & Cap
PP/Foil Tube

Due to the mixed materials and size, please dispose of tube in the Pact Collective bin - locations here

Tube & Cap
PP/Foil Tube
How To Recycle

Due to the mixed materials and size, please dispose of tube in the Pact Collective bin - locations here

100% FSC paper made with recycled fibres, and vegetable-based inks 0 trees were cut down to make our cartons

Place in recycle bin

100% FSC paper made with recycled fibres, and vegetable-based inks 0 trees were cut down to make our cartons
How To Recycle

Place in recycle bin

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